If you want to link the specific expenses and earnings to a specific competition, you have to enter the expenses directly in the competition details.
STEP 1: Open an existing competition via;
- Via the dashboard > Click on the competition you want to edit further
- Via the sport module > Competition calendar > Click on the competition you want to edit further (both monthly and annual overview)
A specific page with details of the competition appears --> competition overview
- Then go to the Finance section
- Then click on the
- Click on edit competition finance
A window will appear in which you can add both your expenses and your earnings; At the top of the window you can add to the expenses and at the bottom of the earnings;
Add expenses
- Add a description in the expenses field name or select an existing product from the products list.
- Link a horse to this expense
- Add the price of the expense
- Determine the number (default number is set at 1)
- Select the correct currency (currency is standard on the currency configured in the settings > My Stable > Stable details)
- Select the correct VAT rate (in the case of product selection the VAT rate will automatically be added)
Add earnings
- Add a description in the earnings field name or select an existing product from the products list.
- Link a horse to this earning
- Add the price of the earning
- Determine the tax percentage (%)
- Select the correct currency (currency is standard on the currency configured in the settings > My Stable > Stable details)
- Select the correct VAT rate (in the case of product selection the VAT rate will automatically be added)
Final step: When it can be said with certainty that both the expenses and income are final, the last step will be to book the competition finance in the billing Module! To know more about this, read the next article, HowTo: book competition expenses and earnings in the billing module